Accept 100+ payment modes and offer ease to your customers.
Make online payments faster, simpler and error-free.
Sell in-store and online seamlessly
By Soumiya Awasthi | June 26, 2020
India is moving towards a cashless economy and online payment methods are continuously gaining popularity. Owing to the COVID-19 crisis, customers are limiting the use of cash and actively opting for digital payments. According to RBI data, March 2020 saw a total of 363.20 million transactions through debit cards on PoS, and 164.67 million transactions through credit cards on PoS1.
With many payment choices available to customers, it is important for businesses to have the right payment gateway. While considering one, they need to look for a payment gateway that is not only secure but also provides convenience to the customers.
Here are some features that are a must consider while evaluating a payment gateway for your needs:
One of the most important features to consider in a payment gateway is security. Not only is this important for you, but for your customers as well. When selecting a payment gateway, you must ensure that the platform provides robust security and this is something that is addressed if the payment gateway is PCI DSS Level 1 compliant.
Look for a payment gateway that allows plugins to seamlessly integrate with your existing platform. With payment integration enabled, you save on the effort of manually updating your records, which also reduces the scope of errors. Every time there is a new sale and the payment is done digitally, it will start reflecting on the tool you are already using.
For many retailers, a payment gateway is only a virtual terminal that captures the transactions done, However, if set up correctly, it can offer you much more than that. A good payment gateway can offer detailed reporting and faster reconciliation that can help you make informed business decisions.
Having a secure payment gateway with an in-built invoice capability can be a blessing for any retailer. This helps in streamlining the payment process and can offer a convenient way of accepting payments.
With customers opting for digital payments, your payment gateway should be able to accept a multitude of payment options such as debit/credit cards, wallets, and rewards. When a retailer gives its customers the convenience of paying via their preferred mode of payment, it helps in gaining their confidence, leading to repeat visits, and a boost in sales.
The speed at which the money gets transferred from a customer's account to a retailer's account is extremely important. A faster processing speed gives customers a hassle-free user experience.
Pine Labs' payment gateway has helped several of our merchant partners accept online payments quickly and securely. In addition to the above listed features, we also offer additional features like in-built EMI calculator, email and SMS-based invoicing, customised checkout experience to customers, etc.
To know more, contact us.
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By Pine Labs | on December 27, 2024
By Pine Labs | on November 22, 2024